Tuesday, July 22, 2008


So I promise promise to start writing more and keeping this thing updated. Well, there isnt to much going on in my life right now. For starters, I had to get back with the rents due to my ex roommate. New the guy for ten years and screwed me over for a pair of legs. I don't mind that he got a girlfriend and found someone he likes but dont play with my living situation. He basically lied the entire time about not renewing my lease when he said he would stay another year. Luckily, I figured that might be the case and planned ahead. So we had a big argument about it and that was that. No lost on my part. I take betrayal and loyalty seriously. Its things you expect more from someone you have known for a long time. But shit happens and it makes you see how people really are.

Job is going well. Hoping to get a job at the Post Office at some point till I finish school. About school, I hate it. I have always hated school. A waste of time to learn things that are not pertaining to the real tools you need in life. I only went back cause I was bored. Probably not something most people would do but it keeps me busy for the time.

By the way if you havent seen it already see the Dark Knight. There is a reason I named my blog that. One of the greatest super hero movies and movies I have seen in a long time. Heath Ledger was beyond words. Its a shame he died so young. If they make another Batman I dont think it would be as good with anyone else playing the Joker.

On the love life note....There isnt one at all. I seriously think Cupid has it gunning for me and just like yo forget you. I have no luck with the ladies at all. All disappointments. Its just that the loneliness is getting to me and its just growing. I try to fill my time with other things but its like a shadow in the back of my mind. I try to ignore it but it wont go away and just gets worse and worse. There was this one girl I was really interested in. Nice eyes, light skin, cute face and just long black hair. Great body just a sweet heart. Though she had a attitude would put a pitbull to shame. I mean full force lol. Though I knew how she was she had another side to her that I loved. I dont know I just always had a thing for light skinned women. Not that my brown sistas arent beautiful( glassess and sarcastic with a nice hour glass body are a huge turn on) but I guess it stems back from when the first girl I ever really liked was named Simone. Black and French and what a combinatin. Long black hair, light skinned and a lil black mole so small on her left cheeck. I remember her like crystal in my mind. Always nervous around her but she never was interested in me. So pretty much thats my weakness lol. Though this girl I was trying to get with nothing happened. I did everything to show her the guy I was really was. Disappointed yes but life goes on.

Currently, there is another woman I have been talking. She lives far from where I reside but shes cool. We talk almost everyday and online so convos are pretty good. Met her online lol which is weird for me but hey shit happens. Seen some pics and not bad looking at all. Gotta see her in person though but that as yet happened. Still in the process till we actually meet up I guess.

Besides all that crazy mess I am doing pretty good. Healthy and living. Been annoyed though cause I am hearing the your so bony and skinny comments again but I ignore them. I have heard it all before in my life and I cant change who I am. Love me and Except Me.

In the world looks like Obama is going to be president. If he does win, supposedly will be the first Black president. I laugh cause when hes brown or dark as night than hell be the first black president. I always found that funny how America will accept a black man as president if his skin is lighter and close to white. I guess that paper bag check is still in progress..... If you dont know what I mean read a book you illiterate SOB. The economy is crap, people are losing houses left and right, infected food, and we are still occupying a country that is not ours. Sometimes I find it hard that we are allowed to live at all with all the things we do. We honeslty have no respect for this planet or each other. There are those would rather destroy something than let someeone else have it or use it. It is that bad. Have we learned nothing from history. I guess not. Maybe I am too optimistic sometimes. Its not even that I am logical. I try to be reasonable about events and look at the true meaning. Everything we read and watch and are taught is tangeled in some twisted deceitful lie. Not totally our fault but that of those before us and the cycle keeps going on.

Well, its late and thats all she wrote. Live life like its your first time and love as if its your last. Dark Knight out....